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How to track time?

Tracking the work time spent on work in a way that suits you!

Rain avatar
Written by Rain
Updated over a week ago

Tracking time in Uku is optional, but it gives you an overview of the time spent on the work. Use Uku to track, forecast, enter, and display time spent on the work.

Uku allows tracking time with a stopwatch and lets you make corrections later. Time entries can be billable or non-billable. Use the mentioned time-tracking options and get an overview of the time spent on the tasks!

Using the timer

Press "Start timer" when starting and "Stop timer" when finishing work.

The ongoing task appears in the header and on the dashboard. You can stop the timer from both places.

If you want to continue working, press the timer again. You can add time to one task multiple times. Time records entered with the timer can be corrected later.

If you start working on the next task, there is no need to pause the timer in the meantime. Simply start the timer on a new task from the timer button, and the previous task is automatically paused.

Manual entry/correction of time entries

If you want to mark the completed work in Uku later, enter the time spent manually. The time entry panel opens when you click on the numbers that show time. By entering the duration of the work, Uku calculates the end time according to the start time of the task.

In the duration line, enter the time in minutes, for example, 90 minutes = 1h 30min, and confirm the time entry by pressing OK.

If you know when the work started and finished, fill in the fields "Start" and "End," and Uku will calculate the duration of the work for you. By going to the "Start" field, the system automatically offers the last entered task end time as the start time.

If you adjust the task's duration, the end time will change. You need to confirm the change with the "OK" button.

If necessary, you can also delete a time entry. Uku asks if you are sure about the deletion. The time record is deleted and cannot be restored.

Adding time to multiple tasks at once

  1. Click on the icon with two ticks above the tasks.

  2. Mark the tasks to which you want to add time.

  3. Click on the arrow icon to add time.

You can add the same amount of time to all tasks or divide the entered time equally between all checked tasks.

When marking tasks in bulk as done, press the check mark icon.


If you know how much time the task will take, entering the estimated time in advance in the template is helpful. If the task is marked as done without adding time, Uku will change the previously added estimated time to the time spent on the task, if desired. Turning on the corresponding setting in the "App Store" view under the "Tasks" app settings is necessary for the prognosis to equal time consumption.

To add a prognosis, open the task, click on the three dots icon and select "Add estimation." An "Estimation" field appears for the task.

Estimation for repetitive task

  1. Open the task.

  2. Click on the icon with three dots.

  3. Select "Edit template task"

  4. Click on the icon with three dots again and select "Add estimation."

The estimation is available in the calendar in the day's upper right corner.

Commenting time entries

If one task has several time entries, it is good to add comments on what was done at that moment to systematize them. To do this, open the task, click on the number indicating the time, and then on the speech bubble icon next to the corresponding time entry. The window for adding a comment opens. You can see the added comment by hovering over the chat bubble icon.

Tracking time for the subtasks added to the checklist.

You can track working time for the subtasks in the checklist. To do this, open the task, move the cursor to the corresponding subtask and click on the arrow icon on the right. The time running on the subtask is added to the time running on the entire task. You can see which subtask was dealt with in the comments of the time records.

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