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Uku's new Task view

Task View: communication and Task content updated

Maria Müürsepp avatar
Written by Maria Müürsepp
Updated over a month ago

Uku's new task view makes work organization even clearer and more efficient.

We have divided the view into two sections to provide a better overview of the task content and communication.

On the left side, you will find task-related information, while on the right side, you can access all communication history, including client emails and user comments.

Task Content

The left side is used to manage the core task information.

Start with the task title or choose a suitable task template.

In the task header on the right, you can select users and assign followers if needed.

Define whether the task is:

  • Extra work,

  • an important task,

  • snooze the due date

  • choose additional actions from the three-dot menu.

Next, select the client and the task topic.

If the Client Portal is activated, you can decide whether to send the task there.

If the task is sent to the Client Portal, the relevant fields will automatically appear.

  • Select the contact to whom the Client Portal task is assigned.

  • Checkbox "Assign as task" is chosen by default. The checkbox ensures that the task is visible in the Client Portal and that the client receives an email notification.

    When the client marks the task as completed, the checkbox turns gray. However, if they later realize that something is missing or forgotten, they can reopen the task by reactivating the checkbox.

  • Decide whether the task should be automatically marked as completed when the contact marks it as done.

Task content:

  • Add a checklist to track task progress. On the right side, a percentage indicator shows how many points have been completed.

  • Add a description.

    • At the bottom, you can add:

      • attachments,

      • time estimates,

      • additional task fields,

      • create dependencies to other tasks.

        On the right, you can start a timer and mark the task as completed.

Time Management:

  • If you want to enter time manually or adjust previously recorded time, click the time icon.

  • In the opened window, you can:

    • mark whether the time entry is billable,

    • add a comment to the time entry,

    • adjust previously recorded time,

    • add new time entries,

    • delete a time entry from the three-dot menu,

    • specify whether the time entry was for remote work or office hours.


The right side displays all task-related communication.

  • In the tab menu, you can choose to view:

    • communication history and emails

    • activity history

    • sort communication history.

    • with three dot menu you can change or delete messages and comments

  • Using the icons at the bottom, you can:

    • send an email to the client,

    • leave a comment for another user.

    • send message to the Client Portal

Adding a Comment

  • Click the comment icon.

  • Enter your comment and click "Add".

  • The comment will appear on the right side with a yellow background.

Sending an Email

  • Click the email icon to open the email window.

  • Specify:

    • the recipient,

    • the subject,

    • the email content.

  • Use the icons at the bottom to:

    • add a template,

    • enable automation,

    • attach files,

    • format text.

All emails sent within the task are displayed on the right side with a white background.

Sending a message to the Client Portal:

  • Click the Client Portal icon.

  • Enter your comment and click "Send Portal Message".

  • The comment will appear on the right side

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