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Xero - Uku Integration
Maria Müürsepp avatar
Written by Maria Müürsepp
Updated over 6 months ago

Accounting Practice Management Software for Xero Users

Getting started with Xero

If you use Xero to do your accounting then integrating Uku to your workflow takes just a few clicks.

You can use Xero to do your accounting and integrate Uku to your workflow to get the best of both worlds. After connecting Uku to Xero you'll be able to:

  • Import your clients, products and classificators from Xero to Uku (this includes both adding new ones and updating the existing ones)

  • Make use of extensive list of Uku features:

    • Workflow and task management

    • Time tracking

    • Reports

    • Monitoring

    • Billing

  • Generate invoices in Uku and export them to Xero.

Setting up the connection

  1. Open Settings & Apps

  2. Open Xero integration

  3. Activate the app.

    1. If you haven't activated the billing app yet, you'll be asked if you want to do it now. It is strongly advised you do this, because then Uku will not only import clients/contacts from Xero but you will also be able to create invoices in Uku and send them to Xero.

  4. Open 'Import' tab

  5. Click 'Authorise Xero to start import’'. This opens the Xero login page. Please login with your Xero credentials.

  6. You'll be asked whether you want to allow Uku to access your organisation data.

    1. If You have several organisations You will have to choose which one you want to integrate with the Uku account You are currently operating with.

    2. You'll also be presented with the list of data Uku will have access to. This is necessary for Uku to be able to import your data. Click "Allow access" to agree to this.

  7. After Uku has been allowed access in Xero Uku fetches your clients from Xero and presents you with the list. You'll be able to decide which clients you want to import to Uku. Click 'Confirm' to import the selected clients.

    NB! For every customer Uku will import its primary person and contact information. Additional contact persons will not be imported in UKU.

8. After a successful import, a pop-up with the import summary is displayed. Click 'View clients' to view the results of the last import.

After a successful import from Xero to Uku you will have the following data in Uku:

  • Clients and their contacts (only primary person and its contact information).

  • Products and services as well as their tax rates and sales accounts - These are found in Apps & Settings billing app tab 'Product'

Updating data

Note: The client sync between Uku and Xero will go one-way, from Xero to Uku.

If you've added new clients in Xero or updated existing ones, you can update your client base in Uku as well.

  1. Open Xero app tab 'Import' and click "Start import".

  2. Uku fetches your clients from Xero and presents you with the list of new and already existing clients. You'll be able to decide which clients you want to add to Uku or update in Uku. Click 'Confirm' to import the selected clients.

  3. After a successful import, a pop-up with the import summary is displayed. Click 'View clients' to view the results of the last import.

Send Invoices To Xero

In Uku can set up automated billing (Read how to set up automated billing) or create single invoices manually.

To set up sending the invoices to Xero, navigate to Uku Settings & Apps. On the Billing app Setup tab choose Xero as your accounting service.

Once invoices are created in Uku navigate to the Billing menu, all invoices tab. Select the invoices you want to send and choose Export to send them to Xero.

You can later manually update invoice statuses based on Xero status by again selecting the invoices you want to update. If an invoice is paid only partially, Uku will show it as not paid.

Data flow between Uku and Xero

  • Import from Xero to Uku:

    • Action “Import clients from Xero” under Apps → Xero → Import:

      • Xero customers -> Uku clients

      • Xero customer contact persons -> Uku client contacts

      • Xero accounting tax rates -> Uku billing VAT numbers

      • Xero accounting revenue accounts -> Uku billing resource codes

      • Xero business products and services -> Uku billing product codes & products

    • Action “Import classificators” under Apps → Billing → Product:

      • Xero accounting tax rates -> Uku billing VAT numbers

      • Xero accounting revenue accounts -> Uku billing resource codes

      • Xero business products and services -> Uku billing product codes & products

    • Action “Update status” under Billing → bulk select:

      • Xero invoice fully paid -> Uku client invoice paid

  • Export from Uku to Xero:

    • Action “Export” under Billing → bulk select:

      • Uku client invoices -> Xero sales invoices

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