Personalize Each Client's Profile in Your Accounting CRM
Custom fields created under the company account are added to the profiles of all company clients. The order of the fields can be changed by dragging the six-dot icon in front of the field. Additional fields can also be grouped under different headings.
How to adda client custom field?
To set up additional fields for your business account, select "Settings & Apps" from the main menu.
Then click on the "Clients" app and select "Client fields."
To add a client field, scroll down and select "+ Add field", to add a subsection title select "+ New title".
Title is meant for separating specific info fields, it can not be empty and title needs to have a field under it to be saved.
By hovering on the titlebar you can move it (6 dots icon), add a new field under the title (+ icon) or delete the title (bin icon). By deleting the title, fields under it will be added under the title before.
For new field select the input type. The following options are available in the customer's selection of additional field types:
Text - Notes or other text, up to 100 characters
Number - Number with decimal places
Option - Predefined options where you can make a single choice
Multiple Choices - Predefined options where multiple choices can be made
Date - A specific date that can be selected from the calendar
Member - A list of active users where you can make one choice
Multiple members - A list of active users where multiple selections can be made
Yes/No - If selected, then 'Yes.'
Long text - You can enter text up to 1000 characters
Password β allows you to enter a password, and the content of the additional field is not displayed automatically.
NB! If not selected from the + icon, in front of the titlebar, the new custom field is always added at the end of the list.
How to enter information in additional fields?
Select "Clients" from the main menu and the desired client.
Clicking on the pen icon opens the view for changing customer information, where you can enter information in previously added fields.
All information about the customer is visible on the "overview" card in the client's profile