How to cancel a paid subscription plan?Stop using Uku or start using the Solo plan.
Lock time entriesLock time entries on a weekly or monthly basis.
How to add or change the number of members?Adding and removing a member from your company's account
How to create a company account?There are 3 ways to add a company account in Uku.
How to add a task plan?Thinking it through and creating templates that fit your needs is key to a smooth workflow.
How to add one template to several clients?
How to use topics?Topics help to group tasks.
Deleting and archiving topicsKeep your list of topics up-to-date
How to use client groups?Segment your clients according to your preference.
Company account settingsReviewing and Personalizing Company Settings
How to access history if you no longer use UkuYour history is accessible to you even if you have stopped using Uku.